Project Investigators

Prof. Matthew Gilbert (Project Leader)

Prof. Matthew Gilbert is Professor in Computational Engineering at the University of Sheffield. He has over twenty years’ experience of applying optimization techniques to practical engineering problems. He is a Chartered Engineer and has extensive experience of transferring methods developed in academia to industry.


Prof. Buick Davison

Prof. (John) Buick Davison is Professor of Structural Engineering at the University of Sheffield. He has over 25 years’ experience of researching and teaching the design of structural steelwork, and edited the 6th and 7th editions of Steel Designers’ Manual, the classic manual on structural steelwork design.  


Prof. Andy Tyas

Prof. Tyas is head of the blast and impact research group in the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, managing the testing laboratory at Harpur Hill, Buxton where research into blast physics and the response of structures to rapid dynamic loading is conducted. Additionally, he collaborates with Matthew Gilbert in the development of computational optimization-based methods for the design of structures.


Dr Paul Shepherd

Dr Paul Shepherd is Lecturer in Digital Architectonics. His research involves the development of new computer-based methods and tools for both architects and engineers to help with the creation, optimization and realization of complex geometry buildings.


Prof. Jacek Gondzio

Prof Gondzio is interested in the theory and implementation of optimization methods for linear, quadratic and nonlinear programming. He is also interested in the use of linear algebra techniques and sparse matrix factorisation methods applied in optimization. His interests include the use of parallel and distributed computing for solving real-life very large optimization problems arising in telecommunications, energy sector and finance.

Project Research Personnel

Dr Linwei He

Linwei graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2011 and started his PhD in Sheffield researching rationalization techniques for trusses and yield-line patterns generated via layout optimization. After completing his PhD, he joined LimitState Ltd to develop engineering software tools. In July 2016 he rejoined the Computational Mechanics and Design Group as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate. His work now focuses on computational design optimization of building structures.

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Dr Qingpeng Li

Qingpeng got his master’s degree from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2013. From 2015 to 2018, he worked in Delft University of Technology as a PhD student, where his research focused on basic theory of Structural Morphology and its application on shell structures. After completing his PhD, he got a research and teaching position in Nanjing University. In October 2018, he joined this research project as a Research Associate in the Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering, University of Bath.


Dr Alemseged G. Weldeyesus

Alemseged joined the University of Edinburgh in 2016 as a postdoctoral research associate. Prior to that, he was a postdoctoral fellow for two years at the Technical University of Denmark where he also completed his PhD in 2014. His research interest is in the development of models and efficient methods for large-scale structural optimization problems.


Antiopi Koronaki

Antiopi Koronaki is an architect engineer and holds an MSc in Emergent Technologies and Design. Her research interests lie in material behavior, complex geometry and generative design. She is a tutor and course lecturer at the Architectural Association and has worked in the bridge team in Wilkinson Eyre. She is currently pursusing a PhD in layout optimization of space frame structures at the  University of Bath.


Helen Fairclough

Helen Fairclough graduated from the University of Sheffield in 2015. As part of this project she is splitting her time between the University of Sheffield and Expedition Engineering, one of the Project Partners, where she is identifying how layout optimization methods can be applied in practice. She is also studying for a PhD degree in the Computational Mechanics and Design Group at the University of Sheffield.